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Black History Month is an incredible opportunity to celebrate, educate, and inspire your students.
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The Let’s Reset: Reflection and Activity Guide is here to help you start the new year with clarity and purpose. Pause, take a deep breath, and realign with your values and goals as an educator.
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The new year is a natural time for reflection and goal-setting—and no group of professionals needs it more than educators.
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In joyful and inclusive schools, both students and educators thrive. That’s why I created the Four Essentials for Joyful & Inclusive Schools webinar…
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Combine the reflective prompts in Rooted in Joy with this accompanying Reflection Guide to discover new ways to cultivate joy and belonging in your classroom.
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As teachers, we understand the importance of rest, but have you ever stopped to consider that rest isn’t just about sleep? In fact, there are 7 different types of rest that we all need to feel truly refreshed and ready to take on each new day in the classroom.
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As educators, we often talk about the importance of creating joyful, inclusive classroom environments. But when it comes to putting that into action, so many teachers tell me the same thing: I want to create joy in my classroom, but I just don’t know how!